NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- J.J. Watt has a uniform dream he knows will not come true. But as a fan of the game who’s studied his home city’s NFL “Luv Ya Blue” era, he dreams of wearing Oilers’ throwbacks just once.DeAndre Hopkins, Houston Oilers Uniform

I recently saw a tweet I thought was semi-recent, so I brought it up with Amy Adams Strunk at the owners' meetings in Phoenix. Then when I got to work on this post I discovered the Watt tweet was actually brought up in conversation but was originally from March of 2018.

This morning, DeAndre Hopkins sent out the picture above on Instagram and said, "Who would like to see this?"


Strunk's answer was unsurprising.

She also addressed the idea of the Titans wearing Oilers throwbacks, something I think would be silly for them to do anytime soon considering their heading into just their second year in their long-awaited new uniforms.

I was able to connect with Watt on Thursday, and he wanted to reiterate he knows the Texans in Oilers' garb won't happen.

"People think I don’t understand that we have no rights whatsoever to the Oilers' history or uniforms, haha," he told me. "I understand it completely. It doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy those uniforms and wish we did have the rights."

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They are sharp uniforms to be sitting on a shelf.

It is a unique situation in that other uniforms, or at least variations of them, have traveled with the teams that have moved -- Cardinals, Raiders, Rams, Colts, Chargers. One stayed put as the Browns re-emerged as an expansion franchise after bolting to Baltimore to become the Ravens, effectively as an expansion franchise with a full roster.

But like Strunk said, there is no way the old Oilers are giving the Texans those uniforms even for one Sunday. There is also no way the Texans -- despite the desires of Watt and Hopkins -- would want them.

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