
Emphasis on better body language helping Corey Davis

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Corey Davis has had some fantastic moments and he’s had some poor ones.

Like a lot of players a week into camp, he’s been inconsistent.

Despite that, his reviews have been largely good from a lot of quarters, and I think I know why.

He’s carrying himself differently.DavisCamp

(Photos courtesy of Rich Pharris, 104.5 The Zone.)

“Body language is everything,” Davis told us recently on The Midday 180. “Coach Vrabel always speaks on that. Whenever we drop a ball, don’t clap your hands, have your chest out walking back to the huddle and make it up on the next play.

“Body language is huge. It’s definitely something I am more conscious of this year.”

It’s hard to be intimidated by a slouchy guy with an aww-shucks posture. That’s why I consider the success that Eli Manning has had somewhat of a miracle. Poor body language has been an ingredient in the recent failures of some other big Titans' receivers, namely Justin Hunter and Dorial Green-Beckham.

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