NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The play-action the Titans want to use will be built off schemes we’ve seen in recent years from the Texans, the Falcons, Washington and the Rams.

And that will include a heavy dose of zone-blocking by the offensive line.

“I don’t want to fit us into a shoebox, but I would say we will definitely run zone,” said new offensive line coach Keith Carter, pictured below. “We’ll be multiple though, we’ll run zone, we’ll run gap scheme and all of that stuff.”Henry2KC

“From an outside zone standpoint, it’s a big transition, you do a lot more running and a lot more second level running, first level hitting wider landmarks. At the end of the day it’s still just football, knowing what you are doing and doing it a certain way.

The overall change may not be as dramatic as we tend to envision when we hear the term.

Hall of Fame finalist Kevin Mawae, as good a pulling center as the league has seen, said the Titans can “easily” transition into a heavier zone blocking team.

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