
Mail: Penalties, Ryan Tannehill's future and Derrick Henry's versatility

NASHVILLE, Tenn. --  Greetings and happy Week 12.

If you wait for the weekend to catch up, I've got both a podcast for you as well as this fine Periscope.

You've listened, you've watched and now you should read, the responses to the best of the questions that you've tossed my way. 

Feel free to send a question any time, via Twitter using #PKMail or using the Facebook page.

PK: If a team cannot get lined up, if it cannot stay onside, if it's false starts, those kinds of things are at least in part coaching issues.

But in-play and post-play stuff is far more on the player. The person committing the violation is the violator and Mike Vrabel absolutely covers penalties very thoroughly. Players failing to follow through on what they are coached to do and not to do lands squarely on them first.TitansWoodFlag

“You’ve heard me say on numerous occasions that once they go out there, the 11 players that go out there for any play, those are the only guys that can impact that particular play,” Mike Vrabel said.

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