
Monday reaction to reactionary tweets

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- It felt like a lot of what you've been saying demanded I deal with some mail.

PK: Here is the thing: It's not Player X versus some imagined alternative or minimal standard. It's Player X versus Player Y. I've set Colin Kaepernick aside for obvious reasons, that's not a strictly skill set evlauation whether you think it should be or not. So tell me WHO the guy is they should have brought in instead? I'm up for the conversation, but the rule here now is, if you say a guy shouldn't be around, you have to give a name for who should be around instead. That goes for Kevin Dodd, not just Matt Cassel.sword

PK: Holding a bad offense to 10 points is suficiently good work, particularly a week after giving up 57 to a burgeoning offense.

PK: Running isn't the only way to further aggravate it. Lateral movement could do it, a hit could do it, and it's hard for a guy who runs to simply not run when people are chasing him. You're broader point, though, is true. He could have beaten them by doing very little.

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