
Pickers mailbag: Have Titans' DL decisions been as bad or worse as WR?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Hey, hey. Thanks for coming to the mailbag.

Have held off on a Periscope/FacebookLive in case of coordinator news, but I will steer you to this week's excellent podcast.

 Let's hit the best things you asked.

PK: Among guys who finished this year on the roster, there were not many good ones. They drafted DaQuan Jones in the fourth round in 2014. He just played what I thought was his worst season, right on the heels of a new contract. They drafted Austin Johnson in the second-round in 2016. They signed Bennie Logan as a free agent in 2018. They found Darius Kilgo as a journeyman and Matt Dickerson as an undrafted free agent.


A poor group. Previous failures include bust Kevin Dodd as a second-rounder, Sylvester Williams as an over-priced one-year free agent dud. Angelo Blackson didn’t pan out. They traded a very low pick for David King who didn’t do much and then didn’t make the team the following year. They let undrafted fine Antwaun Woods go, and he played well in Dallas this season. Al Woods was a better player than people they signed after parting with him.

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