
Pickers mailbag: Receiver drops, trade demands and patience

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Sadly, I have returned to America.

But we are back, ready to examine the Titans from all angles and I've got several good posts on the runway for the week leading up to the Titans on Monday night in Dallas.

Here's this week's Periscope, hot off the presses.

Onto the top questions and topics of the week.

How responsible is WR coach for all the drops? Are drops something that can be fixed or are you kind of stuck with what you’ve got?

— EHDLO (@EHDLO) October 26, 2018

PK: The Titans have had a slew of wide receiver coaches though 20 years of having insufficient wide receivers. It’s a magical position for them in term of insufficiency. And it’s tapped into all sort of different elements.


But Rob Moore hasn’t run a single bad route or dropped a single ball. Certainly, a head coach, a coordinator and a position coach can help a deficient group improve on an area it’s deficient in, but ultimately it’s on the players in the moment to do better.

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