
Pickers mailbag: Was the Mike Mularkey hire a mistake?

pickers vodka 847x63NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Welcome to the first offseason mailbag. It's a shame things got so quiet so quickly.

Kidding, of course.

The reaction to Mike Mularkey's firing from you lends to my theory that we are leaning toward being more interested in offseasons than seasons in sports.

TitansSwordTableOnto your questions.

PK: Many of us who questioned the watered-down “search” that produced the hiring of Mike Mularkey thought it was not a great move. I wrote that it was “spectacularly uninspired” and talked of how the push for continuity was wise, but that it was better to make a change then for the long-term then rather than to be left to do it a few years later.

Even so, I do think getting to a place where the franchise posted consecutive winning records and got to the second round of the playoff is significant.

The next coach will have to start from zero in many ways. But if he’s smart, he will find a way to plug into the cultural rebuild that

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