
The mail: Why not more no-huddle?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – I have slept off the Pittsburgh trip and am ready for a weekend with the family. Right after I post this mailbag.

First off, here's yesterday's Periscope for all the people.

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Now to your questions and comments.TitansStadiumWall

PK: Of all the complaints about what Mike Mularkey and Terry Robiskie are, and are not, doing, this one is the most reasonable. Marcus Mariota absolutely thrives in no-huddle and we saw a bit of it, finally, outside of 2-minute or game-desperation situations against Baltimore. I don’t understand their reluctance, and they have not articulated it well. I think on some level, it’s a stubborn reluctance to relinquish control, as Mariota is calling plays when they hurry up.

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